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Pay with any georgian bank card and pay. 10 gel, 20 gel 50 gel (the limits will apply to spending and cash withdrawal separately)*. Web this gift card is valid for 12 month (365 days) from the date of activation or reload.
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Web that z is for generation z 26 untackenusername4531 • 22 days ago tbc does not support russia, they just had gen z marketing program before russia started war. Web a gift for students 🎠every monday and wednesday, order kfc exclusively on wolt, pay with @tbc z student card and receive cashback on the delivery fee 🎠🎠🎠*the. Beyond the immeasurable reward of saving lives, the tbc rewards program gives you fast access to:
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Weekly cash withdrawal limit from atms. Corporate office 5042 wilshire blvd. Web 10,000 gel or equivalent.